Although No ITF Has Been Built Yet, The Deputy Governor Is Sure That In 2025 Jakarta Will Already Have Waste Processing Like A Developed Country

JAKARTA - To date, no Intermediate Treatment Facility (ITF) waste processing facility in Jakarta has been built. However, Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria, namely in 2025 the ITF has been operating.

So, he said, Jakarta will have modern waste processing facilities like developed countries by 2025.

"We are currently building an ITF. Hopefully in the next 3 years we will have a modern waste management site like other developed countries in the world," said Riza in Jakarta, Wednesday, June 29 evening.

Riza said that the ITF is very much needed in Jakarta. Considering that the production of waste in Jakarta that is taken to the Bantargebang Integrated Waste Disposal Site (TPST) reaches 7,800 tons per day.

"It's 40 meters high (the garbage heap in Bantargebang) is said to be like an 11-storey building. It's amazing there. It's not less than 100 hectares. Everything must be addressed immediately, through modern waste management," he said.

Moreover, Riza continued, the Sunter ITF development plan has been discussed since the era of the previous governors. There are four ITF locations to be built, namely ITF Sunter and three other ITFs in the west, east, and south respectively. Later, the waste managed at the ITF will be converted into electrical energy.

"Each capacity is 1,500 to 2,000 tons of waste per day. ITF is managed by one machine and we do empowerment. We in Jakarta have three important pillars, justice, empowerment, and this waste management builds a good ecosystem that we need to present in Jakarta," Riza said.

It is known that until now the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is still looking for investor partners who will be invited to build the ITF. The Head of the DKI Jakarta Environment Agency, Asep Kuswanto, estimates that the BUMD PT Jakarta Propertindo (Jakpro) which is given the responsibility to build the Sunter ITF will only get a partner in November 2022.

"We hope, if possible, at the end of September and early November there will be a new partner from PT Jakpro to build the Sunter ITF," Asep told reporters, Thursday, June 23.

Meanwhile, ITF in these three locations is targeted to start construction in mid-2023. In this project, ITF in the eastern and southern regions is carried out by Perumda Pembangunan Sarana Jaya. Meanwhile, the ITF in the western region is managed by the BUMD PT Jakarta Propertindo (Jakpro) which is also working on the Sunter ITF.

Until next July, the DKI Provincial Government is still compiling a feasibility study for the western, eastern, and southern ITF. Asep hopes that the ITF in these three areas will start to enter into a cooperation agreement (PKS) in October.

"We hope that this PKS can be completed in October. After the PKS is completed, maybe the process for funding or financial costs, we will give it a maximum of 6 months. Then hopefully in the middle of 2023 it can be constructed," explained Asep.