Red Chili Prices In West Aceh Rise To IDR 120,000 Per Kg

ACEH - The selling price of red chilies at the Meulaboh Business Development Market Complex, West Aceh Regency has now increased to Rp120,000 per kilogram, from the previous selling price of Rp50,000 per kilogram.

"The increase in the price of spices, including the price of chili in West Aceh, is due to the failure of the farmers as producers of spices," said Tenal Dasia Zuriaty, Head of Trade at the West Aceh Trade, Cooperatives and SMEs Office, as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, June 29.

According to him, the impact of the failed harvest of farmers in North Sumatra Province, as one of the producers of kitchen spices suppliers to Aceh Barat and Aceh, caused the selling price of kitchen spices to rise sharply.

Although the selling price has increased, currently the stock of kitchen spices and the needs of nine basic ingredients in West Aceh is still available and sufficient to meet the needs of consumers in the area.

"If the stock is safe, there will be no problems," said Tenal.

Meanwhile, Rifki, a trader who was met at the Meulaboh Business Development Market Complex, said that traders were forced to increase the selling price of basic ingredients and spices, because the capital spent to buy merchandise had increased.

"The increase in the selling price adjusts the price increase when buying merchandise from agents or distributors," said Rifki.

He detailed, in addition to the price of red chili which skyrocketed at Rp. 120,000 per kilogram. The price of basic commodities such as cayenne pepper also rose to IDR 70,000 per kilogram from the previous price of IDR 50,000 per kilogram.

Then, the price of shallots also rose to Rp. 60,000 per kilogram from the previous Rp. 30,000 per kilogram.

The price of tomatoes also rose to Rp. 13,000 per kilogram from the previous Rp. 9,000 per kilogram, cabbage rose to Rp. 10,000 per kilogram from the previous Rp. 4,000 per kilogram.

Meanwhile, the price of garlic is still at a selling price of Rp. 25,000 per kilogram and potatoes at Rp. 10,000 per kilogram.

In addition to spices, the price of wheat flour also increased to Rp. 125,000 per box of 12 kilograms, to Rp. 155,000 per kilogram, and the selling price of premium rice also increased to Rp. 170,000 per bag (15 kilograms) from the previous price of Rp. 168,000. per sack.

"Only the price of chicken eggs has fallen at Rp. 48,000/board from the previous Rp. 50,000 per board," Rifki concluded.