Tomorrow, KSPI Demonstration And Complaints On Job Creation Law At The Constitutional Court

JAKARTA - The Confederation of Indonesian Workers Unions (KSPI) held a demonstration against the Job Creation Law, while simultaneously suing it to the Constitutional Court on Monday, November 2.

President of KSPI Said Iqbal said that this action would be attended by masses from 32 confederations and federations such as KSPI, KSPSI AGN, and Gekanas.

Labor action from the Jabodetabek area will be concentrated at the Palace and the Constitutional Court. The gathering point is at the Indosat Horse Statue around 10.30 WIB.

"The demands that will be voiced are, to cancel the omnibus law of the Job Creation Law and to demand that the minimum wage in 2021 continues to increase," Said Iqbal said in a written statement, Sunday, November 2.

During the action, workers' representatives will file a judicial review and formal review of the omnibus law on the Job Creation Law to the Constitutional Court.

Iqbal said, although at this time the Job Creation Law had not received a numbering from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, tomorrow's action would still be held.

"But if the Job Creation Law number does not exist at the time of submission of the lawsuit file, then what will be done by KSPI and KSPSI AGN will only be consultation with the Constitutional Court," said Iqbal.

Iqbal continued, his party will continue the action on November 9, 2020 at the Indonesian Parliament to demand a legislative review of the Job Creation Law. Furthermore, there will be another action on November 10, 2020 at the Ministry of Manpower's office to demand that the 2021 minimum wage must continue to rise.

"The actions of KSPI and 32 other federations are non-violance, measurable, directed and constitutional. These actions are carried out peacefully, orderly, and avoid anarchism," he said.