Suspected Of Committing A Crime, Maluku Police Chief Removed From His Position

AMBON - Central Maluku Resort Police Chief, AKBP Abdul Gafur, has been removed from his post for allegedly committing an unpleasant act.

"Yes, he has been temporarily disabled from his position as head of the Central Maluku Police," said Plh Head of Public Relations of the Maluku Police, Police Commissioner Denny Abraham, in Ambon, Wednesday 29 June. not a case of infidelity. It is suspected that this was an act that made Gafur's wife feel bad, so she took action to report the person concerned to the Maluku Police Propam.

"I'll clarify again, yes, this is not a case of infidelity, but this is an unpleasant act. It was as if his wife didn't feel well, so he immediately reported it to Propam like that. When it comes to cheating cases, there must be legal evidence," he explained. Abraham said, currently the person concerned has undergone a code of ethics trial by the Maluku Police Propam Division. "It's been a trial of the code of ethics, yes. It could be a mutation, such as being removed from office and then transferred," he said.

According to him, the transfer was a decisive action from the Maluku Regional Police chief in enforcing the discipline of members, and his superiors have committed to not hesitate to take action against members who commit violations.