Ms. Khofifah, East Java Regional Budget Ngendon At The Highest IDR 25 Trillion Bank In Indonesia

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance stated that the balance of the East Java (Jatim) Provincial Government in banks was the highest in Indonesia with a value of Rp. 25.8 trillion at the end of May 2022.

This was stated by the Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani in a presentation on the realization of our State Budget some time ago.

According to him, this is in line with the overall trend in local government savings, which recorded an increase last month.

"The position of regional government funds in banks in May 2022 was recorded at Rp. 200.7 trillion, an increase of about 4.7 percent (Rp. 9.1 trillion) from the position in April 2022," he said.

Meanwhile, when compared on an annual basis (year on year / yoy), there was an increase of 16.3 percent (Rp 28.2 trillion) from May 2021.

The Minister of Finance added that the second highest area with the highest balance was occupied by Central Java (Central Java), which was around Rp. 20 trillion.

"One of the reasons for the increase in the balance of regional government funds in banks is that the realization of regional expenditures has not been optimal until May 2022," he said.

If the area of Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa is the highest in Indonesia, then the area with the lowest bank deposits is occupied by the Province of West Sulawesi with a record APBD funds of Rp. 1.1 trillion.

The state treasurer also highlighted the realization of the new APBD expenditure of IDR 241.1 trillion from the budget ceiling of IDR 1,152.2 trillion. The score is even lower than the absorption in May 2021 which amounted to Rp.266.1 trillion.

“The realization of spending on economic, health and social welfare functions grew low. This is in line with the decreasing number of COVID-19 cases, which has implications for the realization of unexpected spending," concluded Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.