Anies Wins Award On Transportation, DPRD: Previous Governor's Performance

JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan won the 2021 Sustainable Transport Award (STA) for the sustainable public transportation intermodal integration program.

However, according to a member of the PDIP DPRD DKI Faction, Gilbert Simanjuntak, the achievement of Jakarta's public transportation so that it received an award was based on the performance of the previous Governor of DKI.

"The award was not an achievement he received. It was the performance of the previous governor. Try, dare not, he (Anies) said that the award was only obtained during his three years in Jakarta? I don't think so," Gilbert said when contacted by VOI, Sunday , November 1.

Gilbert gave an example, the Transjakarta mode of transportation that Anies was proud of was the result of the performance of former DKI Governor Sutiyoso in 2004, and was developed by the governor of the next period.

"Then, the MRT is planned during Pak Jokowi's time as Governor of DKI. Then, circle the Semanggi in his era of Pak Ahok. What new transportation was there in Anies' time? Nothing," he said.

According to Gilbert, during his leadership in DKI, Anies focused more on building 63 kilometers of bicycle paths in Jakarta. However, unfortunately, this does not solve the congestion in DKI.

"Bicycle lanes were made, but now bicycles cannot be a mode of transportation capable of breaking down congestion. Bicycles are only used by people who have a hobby. Cycling is not the main means of transportation, because it is a hobby, there are only many cyclists on weekends," Gilbert explained. .

Then, Gilbert also considered that the intensification of sidewalk widening in Jakarta was not a solution to Jakarta's congestion. Instead of changing the community's mobility pattern by walking, existing sidewalks actually increase congestion.

"The existing sidewalks actually cause traffic jams. The sidewalks should only be repaired if the public transportation is repaired first. Cook, the sidewalks have been repaired but the public transportation has not been able to break the congestion," he said.

As previously known, Anies said that Jakarta was awarded the STA 2021 award. This annual award is given to cities that have shown commitment, political will, and vision in the fields of sustainable transportation and urban development.

"I am also proud of Jakarta's achievement in increasing integrated transportation innovation. This is a reminder that we must continue to strive to improve existing transportation services, so that the comfort of residents in transportation is guaranteed," said Anies.

In the past year, said Anies, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, BUMD, and Jakarta transportation stakeholders have succeeded in presenting various innovations to improve the quality of transportation in Jakarta.

Among other things, the expansion of lanes and the addition of bicycle facilities, the revitalization of bus stops and sidewalks, the arrangement of pedestrian facilities in the villages, and the integration of various modes of public transportation.

"STA 2021 is a victory for the citizens of Jakarta, it is inseparable from the collaboration with residents, transportation activists for wayfinding design, electric bus innovation, and AC microtrans," said Anies.