KSP Calls Pertalite And Solar Purchase Arrangements For National Energy Security

JAKARTA - The Main Expert Staff of the Presidential Staff Office, Hageng Nugroho, emphasized that the arrangement for the purchase of Special Assignment Fuel Types (JBKP) such as pertalite and subsidized diesel, is a form of state responsibility in maintaining the availability of supplies and taking into account the ability of the people to buy.

According to him, so far the government has provided subsidies to curb the increase in fuel prices due to soaring world oil prices which reached USD 120 per barrel.

However, due to the wide price difference between subsidized and non-subsidized fuel, the realization of subsidized fuel consumption exceeds the stipulated quota.

"This arrangement is to ensure that the distribution mechanism for subsidized fuel such as pertalite and diesel is right on target. If it is not regulated, there is a big potential that the quota that has been set for one year will not be enough. This is to maintain our energy security,” said Hageng in Jakarta, Wednesday, June 29.

For information, PT Pertamina (Persero) noted, from the quota given of 23.05 million kiloliters, pertalite consumption had reached 80 percent in May 2022.

Meanwhile, subsidized diesel consumption reached 93 percent of the total quota at the beginning of the year of 15.10 million kiloliters.

Hageng said the distribution of subsidized fuel must comply with regulations, both in terms of quotas and user segmentation.

Currently, he continued, the subsidy solar user segment has been regulated so that the distribution is more targeted. Meanwhile, Pertalite's user segmentation is still too broad.

"Therefore, it is necessary to regulate who can consume pertalite. For example, are luxury cars still allowed? Even though they can afford to buy non-subsidized ones,” he explained.

On that occasion, Hageng expressed his appreciation for the initiative and innovation of Pertamina Patra Niaga which will conduct trials of distributing pertalite and subsidized diesel through the MyPertamina system.

He also invites all parties to oversee and control the implementation of the program, so that the benefits are truly felt by the community.

As is known, the distribution of Pertalite-type subsidized fuel through the MyPertamina system will take effect on July 1, 2022. It is planned that initial trials will be carried out in several cities/districts spread across 5 provinces. Namely, West Sumatra, South Kalimantan, North Sulawesi, West Java, and DI Yogyakarta.

The distribution of subsidized fuel is mandated by Presidential Decree No. 191/2014 concerning the Supply, Distribution, and Retail Selling Price of Oil Fuel, and SK BPH Migas No. 4/2020 concerning the assignment of pertalite and diesel fuel.