How Complicated The Baths Of Queen Elizabeth II And Prince Charles

JAKARTA - Getting the world's attention means that the British Empire is very careful in presenting itself to the public. Every member of the Kingdom must follow rules, regulations, appropriateness and traditions dating back decades.

But it might come as a bit of a surprise to learn that British Royal traditions even go into the details of how Queen Elizabeth baths.

According to royal correspondent Brian Hoey, Queen Elizabeth II has a strict ritual every morning and bathes in exactly the same way.

And the maid must follow the rules every morning to make sure the Queen's day starts off properly.

According to reports, the Queen wakes up at 7.30am every day and her aides turn on the Today Program on BBC Radio 4.

Later, when the Queen was sipping her morning cup of tea, her maid began to prepare her bath every day at 8 am. This is where things get really specific.

The temperature of the Queen's bathroom must be just right and the water depth must also be just right. According to royal experts, the tub should be no more or less than seven inches.

"The maid will go to the bathroom next to her to prepare the bath, which must have the right temperature: tested with a wood-coated thermometer, and the water is no more than seven inches," Hoey said as quoted by the Daily Star, Sunday, November 1.

And while she was showering, the maid would dress the day under the supervision of Angela Kelly, her personal assistant. It seems that the Queen's habits are also contagious to her son.

Prince Charles also has strict bath rules his staff must follow or he will "scold" them, according to the report.

Prince's pajamas crumpled every morning and the length of toothpaste squeezed into his toothbrush should be 1 inch.

She folds her underwear a certain way and the towel is placed a certain way.

When it comes to bathing, the bath plug must be in a certain place too, and the water is warm. The bath can only be half full.

What a spoiled prince.