The Heroic Story Of Members Of The Ditpolairud Polda NTT, To A Remote Island Evacuating Pregnant Women To Assist In Childbirth In The Middle Of The Sea

KUPANG - Members of the Directorate of Water and Air Police (Ditpolairud) of the NTT Regional Police helped a mother give birth on a patrol boat belonging to the local police force while traveling from a remote area of Messah Island to Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai.

Head of Public Relations of the East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Police AKBP Ariasandy said the process of giving birth to a mother named Gia Ginatri, (32) occurred on a patrol boat called Raijua Island XXII-3005.

"The Ditpolairud officers in Labuan Bajo received information regarding this that on Messah Island there are women who are pregnant and need help giving birth," he told reporters in Kupang, Antara, Tuesday, June 28.

It is known that the mother was referred to the Labuan Bajo Health Center, West Manggarai, because she was about to give birth. On Messah Island itself there are no adequate facilities for childbirth.

Receiving this information, four personnel from the Ditpolairud Polda NTT and one Pamobvit personnel from the West Manggarai Police led by Bripka Willfridus Kein rushed to Messah Island and immediately evacuated the patient along with two midwives to be taken to the Labuan Bajo Health Center.

In the middle of the sea on the way to Labuan Bajo, the patient was seen showing signs of giving birth.

Facing this emergency situation, the police officers on board the ship swiftly prepared various equipment and necessities needed by the midwife so that the delivery process ran smoothly.

"The mother then gave birth smoothly on the police ship. The baby is a girl and is in good health," he added.

He explained that the incident showed that the presence of the Police was not only a security or law enforcement officer, but also a public servant.

"We also have to do humanitarian tasks like that," he added. "Police not only function as law enforcers but also serve the public. Such humanitarian duties must also be carried out," he said.