Foreigner Killer In Central Halmahera Arrested After 2 Months Fleeing

HALTENG - Central Halmahera (Halteng) District Police, North Maluku, arrested IS the perpetrator of the murder of a foreign citizen (WNA) from China.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Central Halmahera Police, Iptu Taufik Saimima, said that IS was previously on the wanted list (DPO). The IS suspect has been on the run for two months.

"Finally, the suspect in the murder of a Chinese foreigner named Wang Zhenye was arrested at a hiding place in the Bacan stone mining complex in Doko Village, Kasiruta Island, South Halmahera Regency (Halsel)," Taufik said when contacted, Tuesday, June 28.

After exploring the mainland and islands in Halsel Regency, starting from the Districts of West Gane, East Gane, Kayoa District, and South Obi District, the IS suspect was finally arrested by the Joint Resmob Team, Cokaiba Police, Central Halmahera and the Nireus Opsnal Team led by the Criminal Investigation Unit.

"The team managed to arrest the suspect in the mountains of the Bacan stone mining complex, in Doko Village, Kasiruta Island, West Bacan District, Halsel Regency," he said.

The search for IS suspects, which took nearly two months, finally paid off after the Cokaiba Opsnal Team of the Halteng Police found the suspect.

"Alhamdulillah, thanks to the spirit of the Cokaiba Resmob Team of the Central Halmahera Police, assisted by members of the Opsnal Nireus of the Halsel Resort Police, the suspect was arrested," he said.

The IS suspect, after being arrested by a joint team, was then deposited in the Halsel Police Rutan to be taken to the Central Halteng Police Rutan.

The suspect arrived at the Halteng Polres Rutan on Tuesday, June 28, at around 00.25 WIT after traveling from Bacan to Saketa by sea.