Lectures On Golkar Party, Lili Pintauli: Corruptors Ignore Voters' Aspirations And Eat State Money

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Lili Pintauli gave an anti-corruption lecture to top Golkar Party officials. He mentioned a number of things, including corruptors who hurt the aspirations of the voters.

This was conveyed by Lili Pintauli while filling the Qualified Smart Politics (PCB) activity today, Tuesday, June 28 at the ACLC KPK Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta.

Initially, Lili mentioned that political parties are the birthplace of leaders at the regional and national levels. Many people voted for them and hoped for improvement after voting.

However, not infrequently the party cadres who become leaders actually commit corruption. In fact, based on data held by the KPK, since 2003, there have been 300 members of parliament, 20 governors, 140 regents and mayors, 30 ministers who were arrested.

"Not only do they ignore the aspirations of the voters, these corruptors are also stealing state money that should be for the welfare of the people," said Lili in her lecture in front of top Golkar Party officials.

Lili then mentioned a number of consequences arising from corrupt practices by officials, including those related to the quality of education to the increasing unemployment rate.

With this condition, Lili then said that the KPK was trying its best to prevent corrupt practices. One of them is by providing briefing to the parties participating in the General Election (Pemilu).

It is hoped that with anti-corruption education, political parties, including Golkar, can implement the value of integrity.

"We hope (integrity, ed) can be implemented in various concrete actions in the anti-corruption movement, especially within the Golkar Party," he said.

"As a driving force for democracy, we certainly hope that political parties can produce national and regional leaders who are free from corruption and there will be no more leaders produced by political parties who are imprisoned for corruption," added Lili.

Meanwhile, the chairman of the Legal and Human Rights Advocacy Agency (Bakumham) of the Golkar Party, Supriansa, said his party would carry out the lecture that had been given by the KPK. In fact, educational activities will be carried out later.

This educational approach, continued Supriansyah, is expected to be able to combat corrupt practices.

"The Golkar Party plans to also educate all of our cadres not to commit acts of corruption and continue to prioritize what is called intelligent democracy," said Supriansyah.