JIS Stadium Is Approved To Be Persija's Home Base But Only Big Matches Due To High Rental Fees

JAKARTA - Director of Asset Management of PT Jakpro, Gunung Kartiko said that Persija Jakarta is almost certain to make the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) a home base.

This was revealed by Gunung after being asked by Commission E of the DKI Jakarta DPRD about the certainty of using JIS as the home for the club nicknamed Kemayoran Tiger.

"Confirm. In principle, our stadium [JIS] can be used as a home base for several Persija teams. For a long-term MoU, drafts have been exchanged," said Gunung at the DKI Jakarta DPRD Building, Tuesday, June 28.

Regarding the news that Persija will use the Patriot Stadium in Bekasi City as a home base, Gunung is reluctant to give further explanations.

Guntur said Persija will use JIS for big matches with large audiences when Liga 1 2022/2023 rolls around.

According to Guntur, the JIS rental price, which is priced by Jakpro as the manager in holding the match, is quite expensive.

So, the team that was staffed by Thomass Doll only used JIS in the big match. Meanwhile, for other matches, Persija will use the Patriot Stadium.

However, Gunung did not disclose details of the JIS rental fee, which he said was expensive.

"Finally it was decided with them, not all of them will be at JIS because it is too big and the cost is too heavy for them. For matches that do require a large venue, it will be at JIS. outside the home base," said Gunung.

Furthermore, Gunung emphasized that Jakpro would provide JIS rental fee waivers specifically for the club owned by PT Persija Jaya Jakarta.

"The privilege is there. So, the price will also be special. But, we can't give it for free," he said.

Previously, DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan had given the green light to Persija to make JIS in Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta their main headquarters.

Anies gave his blessing to Persija while attending the exhibition match titled Trofeo Silaturahmi Jakarta at JIS, Saturday, May 7 evening.

"Today is an important day, because today the promise was paid off. The promise to build an international standard stadium that will be used as a home base for Persija and also a home base for The Jak, where we all feel for years of waiting in patience, " said Anies.

"Alhamdulillah, today starts even in a pandemic atmosphere, so the capacity that can be used is still limited," he said.