If You Want To Talk To The City Of Surabaya, Please Relax With The Mayor, Eri Saban On The Weekends

JAKARTA - Now residents who want to complain about anything around the city of Surabaya can take advantage of the time every weekend or every Saturday at the City Hall. Named Lesehan Together
Mayor of Surabaya Eri Cahyadi hopes that this forum for citizen complaints can be optimized. Eri Cahyadi said that a number of residents' problems got quick solutions in Lesehan Together activities.
For example, about villages, low-income people (MBR), and job requests.
"The most important thing is asking for a high school/vocational equivalent diploma to be redeemed and taken," said Eri, Tuesday, June 28, quoted from Antara.
The issue of redeeming the diploma has been coordinated and communicated with the East Java Provincial Government, so that his party hopes that there will be no more problems.
There are also residents who complain that they need work. In fact, he said, there were some people who said they didn't want to be included in the MBR, but needed work.
"We have assets that they can use, some will work as tailors and other labour-intensive jobs," he said.
In addition, there are also environmental problems and these have been resolved.
However, there is a problem that cannot be solved immediately, namely the land issue. Therefore, it will be facilitated by the Surabaya City Government to meet with the state attorney general and the National Land Agency (BPN) as well as several conflicting parties.
"But overall, thank God, a solution was immediately found. Well, that's the government's job to be there just to facilitate," he said.
Mayor Eri also ensured that this kind of event would be held regularly every Saturday. However, he asked that the same problem not be repeated in the meeting, because the problems that had arisen could actually be resolved at the village and sub-district levels.
"Because I hope that all problems stop at the kelurahan. If it can't be kelurahan, then the sub-district, if it can't be done then meet me directly at the town hall. and sub-district heads who need to be questioned," he said.
Actually, Eri hopes that these problems don't need to go up to the mayor's level, because they are solved by the lurah and sub-district head.
If it can be resolved by the lurah and sub-district head, he said, residents do not need to go to the Surabaya City Hall, because they are an extension of the mayor of Surabaya.
"If it's not a solution as an official, it's not applicable and communicative, what's the point of being an official. But we will see this from their performance contract for the next one year," said Eri.