DMI Half Century, Jusuf Kalla Launches 'Mosques Build Mosques' Program

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Mosque Council (DMI) is initiating a number of programs. One of them is the Mosque Building a Mosque to mark the organization's half-century age.

"First, we plan to create a mosque program to build a mosque," said DMI General Chair Jusuf Kalla (JK) in a written statement received in Jakarta, Antara, Monday, June 27.

JK said, Mosques to Build Mosques is a program that is being rolled out for mosques that are already prosperous and prosperous, in order to help other mosques, especially those that are under construction or are in need of assistance.

This step was taken in an effort to distribute the welfare of the mosque as a center of worship, community development, and community unity.

"Let's say one percent of the contents of the mosque's charity box that already has a lot of savings is collected to help the mosque that is being built. This is to build the welfare of the mosque while maintaining balance," said Kalla.

The second program is to organize the DMI Award. According to Kalla, the DMI Award was held in 2017. At that time, the DMI Award was won by PT Pertamina, as the institution that built the most mosques and prayer rooms.

Currently, his party is discussing the criteria for the 2022 DMI Award. But in general, he said, it will lead to how to manage a good mosque. However, whoever wins must create a system in animation or video and then put it on social media such as Youtube.

"Later on, the mosque will be an example for other mosques, especially how to manage mosques properly," he said.

DMI will also create a waqf institution or Amil Zakat Institution (LAZ). The creation of LAZ, said JK, is to assist the national Lazis in increasing zakat and to prosper the community around the mosque.

On the other hand, he also asked all DMI regional administrators to include suggestions or ideas that DMI should do in the future.

"This mosque is the largest institution in Indonesia, with a total of 800,000," he said.