Deng Ical's Promise To Be The Best Servant Of Makassar Citizens

MAKASSAR - Candidate for Mayor of Makassar, Syamsu Rizal (Deng Ical) promises leadership as a public servant if elected in the Makasssar Pilkada. Together with the deputy mayoral candidate, Fadli Ananda, Deng Ical promised to prioritize the lower middle class.
This promise was made by Deng Ical during a campaign in Balang Baru Village, Tamalate District, Makassar. Candidate number 3 was greeted by local residents.
"The middle and upper class people do not need to be served. They only need clear regulations that are made safe and comfortable, so they will work alone," said Deng Ical as quoted from a written statement, Friday, October 30.
According to him, the condition is different from the middle to lower society. They must be sure to get the best service.
"Therefore, if Deng Ical and Fadli Ananda are elected to lead Makassar, our main priority is to provide maximum service, so that people's rights can be fulfilled properly," he said.
Therefore, the couple known as Dilan has a vision for Somberena Makassar. In the vision and mission, Dilan has three 100-day programs, namely data unifaction, drainage maps and bureaucratic reform.
"The data unfication program is to strengthen all data, including the poor, unemployed, home industries and other data. The second program is a drainage map, which aims to free Makassar city from flooding," said Deng Ical.
With the drainage map, the contours of the area will be known. Meanwhile, the third program is bureaucratic reform
"The term Pak Jokowi is a mental revolution. It is no longer allowed to have a bureaucracy with a ruling mentality but a public servant mentality, "said Deng Ical.
One of the residents of Balang Baru, Daeng Gassing praised the three Dilan pair programs, which he said were very pro-poor.
"The three Dilan programs are very good. God willing, if Deng Ical and Fadli Ananda are elected, we hope that the program can be realized immediately," he hoped.