Recognition Of Palangka Raya Residents Accident Victims Undergo Treatment Covered By JKN-KIS

PALANGKA RAYA - Siti Junairah (64), admitted that she was relieved that the medical expenses due to her traffic accident were covered by the National Health Insurance-Healthy Indonesia Card (JKN-KIS) program.

"I am very grateful that the JKN-KIS Program can cover medical expenses due to a traffic accident like the one he experienced," said Siti in Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan Province (Kalteng), quoted from Antara, Monday 27 June.

Siti is undergoing treatment at the Betang Pambelum Hospital. The hospital which is a partner as well as a referral for BPJS Health participants in Palangka Raya.

The woman who is registered as a participant in the Retired Civil Servant (PNS) segment also did not forget to express her gratitude to the JKN-KIS Program for being helped by the treatment costs due to the accident case.

He also admitted that he had previously used the JKN-KIS program both in first-level health facilities and in advanced health facilities.

"Thank you because this program (JKN-KIS) has helped us a lot for medical expenses. If there wasn't this program, I might have to sell goods to meet medical expenses. I have also used this program when I was treated at the Kayon Health Center," said Siti.

He also hopes that the JKN-KIS program will continue to exist. Reflecting on their experience, active participants will receive extraordinary benefits from the JKN-KIS program to help overcome the costs of the health services they receive.

Accompanied by her son, Rahmat Noryadi (23), Siti takes care of all the necessary administration for the purposes of guaranteeing her health services.

While accompanying his mother, Rahmat told the chronology of the events that happened to his parents so he could get health care insurance covered by the JKN-KIS program.

"When I was about to go home from my brother's place, the mother who was riding a motorbike was hit by someone. At that time there were residents who helped bring the mother to the hospital. I immediately took her to the police station to get a police report (LP)," he said.

After the police report was published, Rahmat was then directed to Jasa Raharja and BPJS Health. Luckily, all of these administrative arrangements are easy so that the cost of caring for her mother can be guaranteed by the JKN-KIS Program.

Meanwhile, Head of BPJS Kesehatan Palangka Raya Branch Office Muhammad Masrur Ridwan said that it was important for the community to have health insurance during a pandemic like this, one of which was being a guarantor when sick.

"If we already have Health Insurance from the JKN-KIS Program, we will no longer be confused about finding costs if we have to be hospitalized. All health care costs will be guaranteed by the JKN-KIS program as long as they comply with the provisions and are medically indicated," he said.