46 Villages In South Central Timor Not Yet Received Village Funds

JAKARTA - The Regional Office of the Directorate General of Treasury (DJPb) of the Ministry of Finance of East Nusa Tenggara noted that as many as 46 villages in South Central Timor (TTS) Regency, Timor Island, had not yet been channeled the village fund budget until June 2022.

"The distribution of village funds in 46 villages has not been realized due to the delay in completing the village income and expenditure budget (APBDes) until the latest deadline on June 23," said Head of the Regional Office of the DJPb Ministry of Finance NTT Catur Ariyanto Widodo when confirmed in Kupang, Monday 27 June.

He said his party gave special attention to encouraging district and village governments to increase the distribution of village fund budgets.

TTS is the district that received the highest 2022 village fund allocation in NTT, amounting to Rp. 278.44 billion for around 260 villages in the district.

However, the realized distribution until June 2022 is still the lowest at 9.30 percent.

Catur explained that delays in the completion of the APBDes were the main obstacle as a result of the replacement of the newly appointed village head in early 2022.

"So they are late in completing the village government's work plan which is a reference for the APBDes," he said.

He said the village funds that had not been disbursed were the regular budget, while the distribution of direct cash assistance (BLT) for village funds was still ongoing.

Catur encourages the district government to assist these villages to speed up the resolution of the problems that occur.

"The village fund budget is certainly very much expected by the village community to accelerate development and move the economy in the village," he said.