The Turmoil Of Netizens About Natuna, Which Is Claimed By The Bamboo Curtain Country

JAKARTA - Apart from the phenomenon of flooding that occurred in the capital city of Jakarta, in early 2020. The news about foreign ships from China entering the Natuna Sea, Riau without a permit, caused quite a stir. This is because the ship's movements want to take fish illegally in marine waters which are still in the Indonesian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

Many Indonesians complain about this problem. Moreover, expressing it through tweets on social media, especially Twitter. Netray tries to analyze the tweets of Indonesian citizens regarding the Natuna issue.

Netray's social media monitoring (doc. Netray)

There are at least 556.3 thousand netizens discussing this issue on Twitter, with 147.4 million views on Natuna's topic. Warganet also discussed bilateral relations between the two countries, related to the entry of the Chinese Coast Guard ships escorting illegal Chinese vessels beyond the Indonesian Executive Economic Zone.

Even the tweet of the former Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Susi Pudjiastuti, who likes to use the slogan 'drown' again echoes in this case. In his tweet @susipudjiastuti, he asked the Indonesian state to differentiate between friends, investors and thieves.

As we all know how his performance is known to be very firm. Indeed, the problem in Natuna should be given more explicit so that it does not spread and become anxious in the community.

Based on the results of the monitoring, a common thread can be drawn that defending the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia is very important. In addition to being united and united in maintaining the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia.

ZEE Indonesia's sovereign territory (doc. Google)

Previously, the Special Staff of the Minister of Defense for Public Communication and Inter-Media Relations, Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak, also said about the additional budget for ships from the Maritime Security Agency (Bakamla) to protect Indonesian waters. He also emphasized that he would encourage a commando at sea to curb the issue of sovereign rights in the Natuna sea area.

"For example, there is theft, then (action) is carried out by Bakamla. But if the sovereign right is the TNI, in this case the Navy," he said while explaining that currently Bakamla is in the Exclusive Economic Zone and the Indonesian Navy is in an area 12 miles from outside. coast to carry out routine patrols and conduct surveillance.