A Member Of The Riau Islands Brimob Team Of The Greater Madago Task Force Who Was Swept Away By A River While On Duty Was Found Dead

BATAM - A member of the Riau Islands Police Mobile Brigade (Brimob) was carried away by a river while on duty in the framework of Operation Madago Raya 2022 on the Sa Lubanga River, Parigi Moutong Regency, Central Sulawesi.

"Yes, it's true that Posthumous Brigadier Janwar Sobar Wijaya, Dantim Alfa 19 Ambon, the Mandago Raya Task Force, died while on duty," said Dansat Brimob of the Riau Islands Police, Kombes Mohamad Rendra Salipu, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, June 27.

Rendra explained that the incident began when a team led by the victim was carrying out a routine patrol and had to cross the river in Sa Lubanga Village, Parigi Moutang Regency.

"It was while crossing the river that he was swept away by the strong current," he said.

Rendra said when crossing the river, the victim who was also the team commander was the second person who was then dragged away by the current.

The member who was the first to cross had time to pull the victim's backpack, but because the current was too strong, the victim was carried away by the current.

"Three other personnel who participated had carried out a 200-meter search, but did not find the posthumous Bripka Janwar. Due to communication problems, the deputy team commander assigned three other team personnel to come closer to the Sa Lubanga Block Post to report the incident and ask for help to the Command Post, "said Kombes Rendra.

Furthermore, 6 teams of personnel from the Satbrimob Polda Kepri along with Basarnas Palu came to the initial location of the Postgraduate Brigadier Forces Janwar and were carried away by the current. During the river sweeping the team found a backpack and a rolling bed that allegedly belonged to Bripka Posthumous Janwar as far as 1.5 kilometers from the starting point.

"Bripka Posthumous Janwar was found dead. The deceased was found 5.5 kilometers from the location floating in a state of floating," said Rendra.

With this incident, Kombes Rendra hopes that members who are currently still on duty in Poso will remain enthusiastic and stay focused on their duties.

"We, the members of the Satbrimob Polda Kepri are deeply saddened by the loss of this member. The late was a best team commander and an example for his members," he said.