DPR Issues Passing The Draft Law On The Expansion Of The NTB Province, This Is The Response Of The Regional Secretary

NTB - Regional Secretary of West Nusa Tenggara Province (NTB) Lalu Gita Ariadi said the information about the issue of drafting the Regional Expansion Bill in NTB Province into two regions was a hoax.

"In recent days, news has circulated on social media about the DPR RI's plan to discuss and will ratify the five Regional Expansion Bills. Including the NTB Province, there will be two with the formation of the Sumbawa Island Province. I think the news is premature and leads to hoaxes," he said in Mataram, Sunday. June 26.

He said, indeed some time ago, members of the Indonesian House of Representatives Commission II had a working visit (kunker), among others, to NTB. The purpose of the work visit is to socialize the council's initiative rights to form 13 bills, including absorbing aspirations regarding the drafting of the NTB Provincial Bill.

For that, continued the Secretary, that the substance is not division but basic adjustments to the formation of the NTB Province and adjustments to actual conditions that are deemed necessary.

"Moreover, all this time, NTB together with Bali and NTT were formed by Law 64/1958," explained the Secretary of State.

Because according to him, that on July 5 1959, a Presidential Decree was issued to return to the 1945 Constitution (UUD). Meanwhile, Law 64/1958, which was issued before the Presidential Decree, refers to the Provisional Constitution (UUDS) during the United States of Indonesia (United States of Indonesia). RIS).

"This is considered to have a federalistic nuance which is not in accordance with the 1945 Constitution. Therefore, it is deemed necessary to adjust it," added Miq Gite, his nickname.

In addition to the Lesser Sunda area, the Sulawesi and Kalimantan regions were also formed in the same mystical atmosphere, so that the DPR initiated 13 basic bills for the formation of each province and adapted them to current conditions.

"So, it's not the Expansion Bill. Because the expansion of New Autonomous Regions (DOB) is still a moratorium," said the man who was born in Central Lombok.

For this reason, he continued, even if the provinces in Papua were divided from now on, then the two provinces became five, it did not mean that the new autonomous region moratorium was lifted. The division of Papua includes the mandate of Law No. 21 of 2001 concerning Special Autonomy (Otsus) for Papua.

"This must be straightened out, so as not to cause disinformation in the community," he said.