Volunteer For Mothers 'Mak Ganjar' In Maros, South Sulawesi, Holds Remembrance, Prays For Ganjar Pranowo To Pass The 2024 Presidential Candidate

MAKASSAR - As many as two thousand mothers who are members of Mak Ganjar's volunteers held a joint remembrance to pray for the Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo as a presidential candidate in the 2024 election.

"This great remembrance and prayer together are held to pray for Pak Ganjar Pranowo to be able to run for President of the Republic of Indonesia for the 2024-2029 period," said Regional Coordinator for Mak Ganjar Sulsel, Siti Fatimah at the Grand Mosque, Turikale District, Maros Regency, South Sulawesi, Between, Sunday, June 26.

The figure of Ganjar is indeed close to the ulama on the island of Java so that he becomes the inspiration for volunteers to carry out these activities.

"We are inspired that basically Pak Ganjar himself, we know that he is the son-in-law of a major kyai in Java. He is also very close to scholars throughout Indonesia. So we were inspired to hold this event," he said.

In addition to being close to religious figures, said Siti, Ganjar is also considered a leader who is worthy of continuing the baton of Indonesian President Joko Widodo with his proven success in serving as governor in Central Java for two terms.

Even his charismatic figure, he continued, is able to give confidence to mothers, especially the elderly or elderly who idolize him to support Ganjar in the presidential election on February 14, 2024.

"She is very inspiring, and compassionate, so it's only natural that many mothers support and pray for her, because of the concern for women, including us in South Sulawesi," said Siti adding.

A religious figure as well as a lecturer, Ustadz Amri Amir in the remembrance and prayer together said that the leader that Indonesia needs today is a trustworthy leader. According to him, if the leader is trustworthy, then the next good qualities will follow.

"The ideal figure of a leader, especially in the Republic of Indonesia, I as an Indonesian citizen only want someone who is trustworthy. If he is trustworthy, confident and believes everything will be easy to do," said Ustaz Amri.

During Ganjar Pranowo's tenure in office, he never had a track record of corruption, collusion, or nepotism or KKN. So that this kind of leader is most needed by Indonesia. He also hoped that the figure of a leader could be imitated by other leaders in order to be able to provide change for the nation and state.

"Until now I have seen quite a lot of Pak Ganjar's activities. We hope that Pak Ganjar's figure will always be able to provide the best changes for this country," he hoped.

In addition to holding remembrance for Ganjar Pranowo, the volunteer Mak Ganjar also distributed donations to orphanages around the Great Mosque, Maros Regency.