PPIH Jambi Sends Bus To Pick Up Prospective Hajj Pilgrims Who Had An Accident In Batang Hari

JAMBI - The Jambi Province Hajj Organizing Committee (PPIH) sent a bus to pick up prospective pilgrims (CJH) from Merangin Regency who had an accident in Batin XXIV District, Batang Hari Regency, while leaving for the Hajj hostel.

"The bus carrying CJH's entourage from Merangin Regency slipped in Batin XXIV District, Merangin Regency. We have sent a bus to pick up the congregation there," said Zoztafia, Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of Jambi Province, quoted from Antara, Sunday, June 26.

Zoztafia explained that CJH who experienced the accident was part of a flying group (kloter) 12 along with CJH from Sarolangun, Bungo and Tebo Regencies.

He ensured that the disaster experienced by the Merangin Regency CJH group did not affect the departure schedule.

CJH from Jambi who is a member of the group will still depart for Batam embarkation on Monday 27 June morning from Sultan Thaha Airport Jambi to Batam's Hang Nadim Airport, then continue the journey to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

"There is still time, so the departure schedule will not change," said Zoztafia.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Merangin Regency Ministry of Religion, Marwan Hasan, explained that the bus carrying 117 people from Merangin Regency slipped, so the bus fell on the shoulder of the road and could not continue the journey.

"There were no casualties, all the Hajj candidates are in good condition and no one was injured," said Marwan Hasan.

After the accident, the entire congregation was evacuated to Baiturahim Mosque, Aur Gading Village, while waiting for the bus to pick up.