Kulon Progo Closes Vaccine Service Post To Boost Booster Achievements

YOGYAKARTA - The COVID-19 Handling Task Force in Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region, has brought COVID-19 vaccination service posts closer to village halls to pursue the booster achievement which has only been realized at 26.19 percent.

"Our efforts to boost booster vaccination achievements are increasing community access by bringing service posts closer to village halls and making COVID-19 vaccinations as routine vaccinations at puskesmas three times a week," said a spokesperson for the District COVID-19 Task Force. Kulon Progo Baning Rahayujati quoted from Antara, Sunday, June 26.

Baning said the COVID-19 task force was also improving coordination with the National Police/TNI/BIN and NGOs as mass mobilizers. Next, take advantage of the institution's big days by opening a vaccination service.

"We are also increasing education to the public about the importance of booster vaccines," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Disease Prevention and Control (P2P) of the Kulon Progo District Health Office Rina Nuryati said the stock of vaccines in the warehouse of the Health Office was 1,261 doses.

"The vaccine stock is sufficient. The type of vaccine is according to the one sent by the Ministry of Health or at the DIY Warehouse," he said.