Tourism Bus Enters Abyss In Tasikmalaya, SAR Team Searches For 1 Passenger Reported Missing

TASIKMALAYA - The joint SAR team is combing the site of a tourism bus crash that fell into a ravine in Rajapolah, Tasikmalaya Regency, West Java to look for a passenger whose family reported that he was still missing, while three people died.
"Today the joint SAR team will search for victims by sweeping locations around the scene," said Head of the Operations and Alert Section of the Bandung Search and Rescue Office, Supriono through a press release, Antara, Sunday, June 26.
The joint team involved in the search are Basarnas, Tasikmalaya SAR Post, Koramil 1205/Rajapolah, Tasikmalaya City Police, BPBD City/Tasikmalaya Regency. Furthermore, from Sumedang Regency, health workers, local village government officials, and the general public.
A joint team is looking for a missing victim named Siti Munawaroh (30), part of a tour bus group that was involved in an accident that fell into a ravine in Cirendeu Village, Manggungsari Village, Rajapolah District, early Saturday, June 25.
"Information from the victim's family on Saturday at 21.30 WIB that there is one victim of a bus passenger whose whereabouts are not known and until now has not been found," he said.
The PO City Trans Utama tourism bus number B 7701 TGA brought a group from SDN Sayang, Jatinangor, Sumedang Regency to Pangandaran Regency.
However, in the middle of the trip to the Tasikmalaya area, the tourism bus driven by Dedi Kurnia drove uncontrollably until it finally entered a 10-meter deep ravine with the bus body upside down.
The bus was carrying 62 passengers, 58 people survived, three people died at the scene, and one person is still missing.