PDIP Touches There Is A Minister For Advancing Ambition In 2024, Adian Napitupulu Suspects Erick Thohir

JAKARTA - PDI Perjuangan cadre Adian Napitupulu has spoken about the figure of the minister who was called ambitious to advance in the upcoming 2024 presidential election.

This was conveyed by Adian in response to the PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto's statement some time ago.

"Who is the minister referred to by the Secretary General of the PDIP Perjuangan? I think that perhaps the minister may be targeting Erick Thohir," said Adian in his written statement, Friday, October 30.

There are a number of track records, which according to him, show that the BUMN Minister is ambitious to advance in the upcoming presidential elections.

This track record, said Adian, is very easy to find on social media such as the formation of volunteer supporters for Erick Thohir, the Erick for President 2024 declaration, the distribution of groceries and rice in packs containing Erick's pencapresan writings in 2024, and easy-to-find promotions to YouTube content.

He said that other evidence had also been circulating in the past month in the form of banners praising the former INASGOC chairman.

This banner, said Adian, was put up close to the demonstration against the Omnibus Law on Job Creation. He then deemed this irrelevant and unethical.

With the many banners, Erick was later seen as showing an ambitious attitude. Even though in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic like now, all ministers should focus on their work to help President Joko Widodo.

"The minister's ambition towards 2024 should be muted first so that the cabinet remains solid, does not peek at each other, and ends up frustrating each other and reaping unnecessary pros and cons," he said.

In addition, this DPR member also asked Erick to focus on fixing his ministry and the state-owned companies under it, rather than spreading gimmicks and banners.

"Gimmicks such as the promise of hundreds of millions of coronavirus vaccines in November do not need to be conveyed, so that if they miss the president will not be blamed," he said.

Previously, PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto mentioned that ministers should not need to carry out images, especially if the aim is to participate in the 2024 election contest.

This is because the solidity and fighting power of the ministers in the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic is very important.

"That's why when there are indications that ministers have too much imagination in the 2024 election contest, and forget about their main duties and responsibilities as an assistant to the president, it is better to immediately stop all imaging movements and place the pursuit of achievement as part of work culture," he said in a written statement, Tuesday, Last October 20.