Basarnas Searches For 6 LCT Crews Drowning In South Kalimantan's Land And Sea Waters

BANJARBARU - The Banjarmasin Search and Rescue Office (Basarnas) is still looking for six crew members of the landing craft tank (LCT) ship that sank in the waters of Tanah Laut, South Kalimantan.

"Search efforts are continuing with the area being expanded and the addition of joint personnel," said Head of the Banjarmasin Search and Rescue Office, Al Amrad, quoted by Antara, Saturday, June 25.

A total of two SRUs (Search and Rescue Units), namely trained SAR officers and supporting facilities in accordance with the needs of SAR operations, were deployed by Basarnas.

One SRU uses a KN.407 fleet consisting of 5 crew members from the Banjarmasin Basarnas along with 2 KSOP officers and 2 personnel from the South Kalimantan Police Ditpolairud.

While one other SRU totaling 6 people went to Sanipah Village, Panyimpatan District, Tanah Laut Regency using a land fleet.

"So the search in the vicinity of the sinking LCT location uses a fleet of ships and searches from the coast using a rubber boat fleet equipped with diving equipment and other supporting equipment," said Amrad.

It is known that after the sinking of the LCT type ship loaded with heavy equipment with 11 passengers named Anugerah Indasah, on Thursday (23/6) night, five survivors were found in sea waters near the coast of Sanipah Village on Friday (24/6).

The five crew members of the survivor ship were adrift in the middle of the sea until finally the MT Ferry XII ship belonging to the agent of PT Lintas Samudera Borneo was found passing by.

Before sinking, the LCT Anugerah Indasah departed from Banjarmasin City, South Kalimantan, to Samarinda City, East Kalimantan.