Rima Melati's Funeral, Aditya Tumbuan: A Sad Family But Also Happy

JAKARTA - The funeral of actress Rima Melati went smoothly on Saturday, June 25. Taking place at the Tanah Kusir TPU, the event was attended by a number of fellow artists, friends and family.

Aditya Tumbuan, Rima Melati's son, thanked all those who prayed for and made the funeral procession run smoothly. He also apologized on behalf of Rima Melati if there was a mistake her mother had ever made.

"I represent the family, today I want to say a big thank you for all the attention, prayers, support, whatever it is for the late Rima Melati," said Aditya Tumbuan today, Saturday, June 25.

"I apologize on behalf of the deceased to open a profuse apology, if the deceased has made mistakes, shortcomings, mistakes on behalf of the deceased, I apologize profusely," he said.

The funeral process went hand in hand with the heavy rain in Jakarta. Aditya says the sky is also mourning seeing Rima Melati to her final resting place.

"Today, we all pray, the sky mourns, we all cry, bringing the deceased to the last grave," said Aditya Tumbuan.

Met after the funeral procession, Aditya and his family felt sad and happy to let Rima Melati go.

“The family feels sad but also happy at the same time because they know that mother is a good person, often does good things. God willing, it will be easy. I hope to meet my father there," he said.

"My mother's job is done. But it's her children's job to maintain Rima Melati's legacy where she gave a lot of kindness to people, social actions, hospitality continued to accompany her and all of them had a good impression on the deceased," concluded Aditya Tumbuan.

Rima Melati died after being hospitalized for several weeks. He died after battling his illness.