DNR Performs Business Transformation Drives 4-Digit Net Profit Growth

JAKARTA - The business transformation carried out by PT Dosni Roha Indonesia Tbk (previously named PT Zebra Nusantara Tbk) in 2021 has succeeded in significantly boosting the company's financial performance, with the acquisition of PT Dos Ni Roha (DNR).

The company has managed to record a 4-digit net profit growth or 1,705.4 percent from a loss of Rp. 1.63 billion in 2020 to a profit of Rp. 26.14 billion in 2021. In addition, consolidated sales increased by 23,696.1 percent from the original Rp. 14.7 billion in 2020 to Rp3,497 trillion in 2021.

Total assets also increased 47,371 percent from Rp6,686 billion in 2020 to Rp3,174 trillion in 2021. Likewise, equity rose 12,985 percent from negative Rp10,624 billion in 2020 to positive Rp1,369 trillion in 2021.

This was conveyed by the Management of PT Dosni Roha Indonesia Tbk at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) and Public Expose held in Jakarta, Friday 24 June.

In terms of listing shares, the company which has issuer code ZBRA on the Indonesia Stock Exchange also listed 2,510,706,263 shares as of December 31, 2021. The volume of shares traded on the regular market during 2021 amounted to 2,379,242,000 shares with prices ranging from Rp50 up to Rp1,310 per share, and the closing price ranges from Rp434 to Rp1,035 per share.

In terms of operations, throughout 2021 the company succeeded in expanding its service coverage throughout Indonesia, where Direct Coverage consisted of 32 branches, 15 sub-branches, 7 4PL warehouses, 463 cities and 100,000 outlets throughout Indonesia. Meanwhile, Indirect Coverage includes 61 integrated sub-distributors.

President Director of PT Dosni Roha Indonesia Tbk Rudy Tanoesoedibjo said that the company's success in 2021 was inseparable from strategic corporate actions in the form of consolidation of DNR which is a major and leading player in the supply chain industry in Indonesia. As a result, the company has transformed into a holding company within the DNR Corporation group that provides integrated end-to-end supply chain solutions.

DNR, a subsidiary of PT Dosni Roha Indonesia Tbk was founded in 1963 and is a distribution and logistics service provider for pharmaceutical products, medical devices and consumer goods for both offline and online retail segments. One of the mainstay products distributed by DNR is Enovid, a nose sanitizer product that has been proven to be effective in killing various viruses in the upper respiratory cavity, including COVID-19.

"We are committed to continuing to innovate to improve optimal services, both in the form of conventional and digital distribution and logistics services to support business growth for business actors in Indonesia," said Rudy.

Another matter discussed at the AGMS of PT Dosni Roha Indonesia Tbk this time was the joining of Mr. Herry as Director of the Company who replaced Mr. Paulus, so that the composition of the Board of Directors of PT Dosni Roha Indonesia Tbk as of June 24, 2022 consisted of President Director Rudy Tanoesoedibjo, Director Gary Tanoesoedibjo, and Herry .

Meanwhile, the composition of the Company's Board of Commissioners has not changed, including the President Commissioner/Independent Robert Pakpahan, Commissioner Juliati Hadi and Komjen Pol. (Ret.) Dwi Priyatno.