Riau Islands Provincial Government Requests 29 Thousand Doses Of PMK Vaccine To Central Government

TANJUNGPINANG - The Riau Islands Provincial Government (Kepri Provincial Government) has submitted a request for 29,000 doses of the oral and nail disease (PMK) vaccine to the central government. Food Security, Agriculture and Health (DKP2KH) Riau Islands Rika Azmi in Tanjungpinang, Friday 24 June. According to him, the PMK vaccine will be intended for cattle spread across seven regencies/cities in the Riau Islands region. efforts to prevent the spread of PMK, especially in Riau Islands," said Rika Azmi. Rika ensured that so far Riau Islands were still a green zone or free of PMK, but all related parties must remain vigilant and increase supervision of animal imports from other regions/provinces. The need for sacrificial animals ahead of Eid al-Adha in seven districts/cities is sufficient, except for Karimun District and Batam City.

"The PMK Task Force has asked five regencies/cities whose supply of sacrificial animals is sufficient, not to supply animals from outside the Riau Islands to protect the potential of our livestock," he said. Natuna and Anambas Regency. As for Batam, he continued, it is allowed to enter sacrificial animals from the Central Lampung area which are claimed to be green or free of PMK. ," he emphasized.