Ministry Of Health Prepares 739,722 Health Workers For Injecting COVID-19 Vaccines

JAKARTA - The government has prepared a number of things related to vaccinating the public to prevent COVID-19. One of the things that the government has prepared is human resources or health workers to make this vaccination successful, after a safe COVID-19 vaccine has been obtained.

Spokesperson for the Task Force (Task Force) Handling COVID-19 Wiku Adisasmito said there were already hundreds of thousands of health workers prepared by the government through the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) and consisting of general practitioners to midwives.

"For human resources, both health workers, namely general practitioners, specialist doctors, nurses, and midwives have prepared an average of 739,722 people," said Wiku in an online press conference broadcast via the Presidential Secretariat YouTube account, Thursday, October 29.

In addition, the Ministry of Health has also prepared 23,145 vaccinators at puskesmas and hospitals. "So the ratio is 1 to 20 people throughout Indonesia," he said.

Furthermore, Wiku explained that the Ministry of Health is currently continuing to prepare a cold chain which consists of a refrigerator and freezer to store vaccines, and a thermos or vaccines carrier.

Cold chains need to be carefully prepared so that the quality and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine is maintained and the preparation process has now reached 97 percent.

"The preparation for vaccination takes into account various aspects including logistics and human resource readiness," he said.

Previously, President Joko Widodo asked his ministers to prepare in detail about the procurement of the COVID-19 vaccine so that there would no longer be large-scale demonstrations, such as what happened due to the ratification of the Omnibus Law on the Job Creation Law.

Jokowi asked his ministers not to hurry and regularly publish about the vaccine to the public.

"I ask for this vaccine not to be rushed because it is very complex. Because it involves perceptions in the community, if the communication is not good, there could be events like the Job Creation Law," said Jokowi when opening a limited meeting to anticipate the long holiday at the end of October, Monday, October 19.

He requested that his ranks of ministers publish intensely, especially regarding the halalness of the COVID-19 vaskin product.

"Regarding halal and haram, relating to price, related to quality, what kind of distribution, although not all we have to convey to the public," he said.