Many Cases, Lebak Regency Government Reduces Child Sexual Violence Rates This Way

LEBAK - The Lebak Regency Government, Banten Province, has optimized the Community-Based Integrated Child Care Institution (LPATBM) in villages and sub-districts to anticipate cases of child sexual violence.

"We hope that LPATBM in all villages and sub-districts will run," said Secretary of the Lebak Regency Population Control, Family Planning, Women Empowerment, and Child Protection (DP2KBP3A) Office, Nani Suryani in Lebak, Friday, June 24.

Handling cases of sexual violence against children and women involve all parties to play an active role, including law enforcement officers and community components.

So far, the presence of LPATBM in Lebak Regency has been able to create a child-friendly environment and love in the family. In addition, LPATBM can deliver education and outreach to prevent cases of child sexual violence.

So far, he said, cases of violence against women and children can be controlled through the role of the LPATBM.

"All perpetrators of sexual violence against children and women undergo a legal process in accordance with Law Number 12 of 2022 concerning the Crime of Sexual Violence," he explained.

According to him, the Lebak Regency government encourages the public to be brave enough to report incidents of child sexual violence.

Reporting criminal acts of child sexual violence can provide a deterrent effect to other perpetrators.

So far, he said, cases of child sexual abuse in Lebak Regency were likened to an "iceberg" phenomenon. Because many incidents of child sexual violence are not reported to law enforcement officers.

However, the number of cases of child sexual violence reported in Lebak Regency until 23 June 2022 was 56 cases.

"We ask the public to have the courage to report and there is no other reason to disgrace the family," he said.

He also appreciated LPATBM and Friends of Women and Children (SAPA) volunteers in socializing Law No. 12 of 2022 concerning the Crime of Sexual Violence.

In addition, LPATBM can assist victims of child sexual violence to get assistance to return to normal life. The assistance also involves the relevant agencies, including the psychological recovery of the victim.

"We are cooperating with LPATBM to anticipate the prevention of cases of child abuse," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Lebak Police, AKP Indik Rusmono, said that his party was now handling cases of violence against children and the perpetrator with the initials AK (23).

"The perpetrator committed a criminal act of molestation against a minor," he said.