How Laura Love Accompanies Widy Vierra Tells About Sexual Harassment That Touches Netizens

JAKARTA - Widy Vierra was present as a guest star on Deddy Corbuzier's podcast to share his experience of experiencing sexual harassment. Cinta Laura is here to accompany her best friend.

Widi was harassed several years ago while traveling alone in the South Jakarta area. Widi thought that the trip would be safe because there were many traders on the roadside. Until finally a car stopped and some people pulled him into the car.

"So there are people who pick up (kidnap) like that, I don't know who the point is, and then they are still drunk, right. The area is indeed a party area, right," Widy said on Deddy Corbuzier's YouTube channel quoted Friday, June 24.

Widy tried to explain his status as a public figure so that he could be released. However, it was not easy until the kidnappers took Widi down. Widi couldn't help but cry when he recalled the incident.

"Take your time. We can stop," said Cinta Laura.

Dedy Corbuzier also immediately asked the team to pause filming. "I'm sorry. We can pause," said Deddy Corbuzier.

But Widy Vierra's tears just got worse. After Widy Vierra's tears stopped, Cinta Laura also expressed her hurt expression about the victim of sexual harassment.

"This makes me very hurt and angry. In our country, victims of harassment are so afraid to speak up, they are the ones who apologize," he said.

Cinta's opinion gets a lot of support from netizens. They appreciate Cinta's act of hugging Widi.

"I agree with Cinta Laura, in the case of sexual harassment, our society does have a tendency to blame the victim. In my opinion, this is due to the long-established stigma that rape victims and abuse victims are a disgrace: a disgrace to themselves, a disgrace to their families, and the social environment. In fact, this stigmatization often gives birth to inconsequential solutions for the victims of rape and harassment, namely being married by the perpetrator. This action is considered able to minimize the disgrace suffered by the victim," wrote the Kronik Nusantara account in the comment column.

"Unfortunately, this inconsequential solution often comes from the victim's own family. Traumatic feelings and the victims' human rights are neglected. Indeed, there must be someone who can "break up" this stupidity. Whoever he is, the perpetrators of harassment or rape must punished according to the law. And for the victims, they must be supported and accompanied so that they dare to speak up and move on with their lives," he continued.

“Sometimes you have to let life turn you around, so you can learn how to live right. Keep smiling, even in your worst nightmares, because no one knows what you're going through," Bang Tampue wrote.