Long Holiday At The End Of October, The Volume Of Vehicles On The Peak Track Increases By 20 Percent

JAKARTA - The Bogor Police recorded an increase of about 20 percent in the volume of vehicle flows on the Puncak Route, Bogor Regency, West Java on Thursday morning, or the second day of the long holiday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW's birthday.

"On this morning, it was observed that the flow of vehicles going to the Peak had increased by about 20 percent, for that we carried out one way (one way) to the top," said Head of Operations Development Affairs (KBO) Bogor Police, Iptu Ketut Laswarjana to reporters. at the Gadog Police Post, Ciawi, quoted from Antara, Thursday, October 29.

According to him, as a result of the increased volume of vehicles, officers implemented a one-way or one-way system to the Puncak direction starting at 08.00 WIB. One way this time was implemented starting from the exit of the Ciawi toll gate to Rindu Alam, Cisarua.

He mentioned, there are several points on the Peak Route that experience traffic congestion, such as Pasir Leunca, Pasir Angin Megamendung, Cisarua Market, Safari Park, and Attaaun Mosque.

"At those points, we from the Bogor Traffic Police have added joint personnel, at each point there are almost 10 additional officers who carry out traffic control," he explained.

The reason is, there are around 600 personnel on special alerts to guard traffic on the Peak Route during the long holiday of the Prophet's Birthday from 28 October 2020 to 1 November 2020.

"We anticipate starting from carrying out traffic engineering, because today there is also a health protocol operation at Gadog intersection. In addition, there is a vehicle feasibility check," he said.