PDIP's Second National Working Meeting Closed, This Is A Complete Recommendation For The 2024 Election

JAKARTA - The PDI-P (PDIP) has been completed today. Before closing, a number of regional heads read out recommendations related to the 2024 General Election.

Central Kalimantan Governor Sugianto Sabran read out recommendations for winning the 2024 General Election. First, the PDI-P II Rakernas set out a strategy for winning the 2024 General Election with a territorial-based spirit of mutual cooperation that relies on the power of the party machine by involving the widest possible number of farmers, laborers, fishermen, youth, students, women, millennial voters and novice voters.

"Second, the Party's second National Working Meeting recommends improving the recruitment and selection system for candidates for members of the DPR RI, DPD RI, Provincial DPRD, and Regency/City DPRD as well as pairs of candidates for regional heads and deputy regional heads of the Party," said Sugianto when reading the recommendations at the PDIP DPP Party School. , Lenteng Agung, Jakarta, Thursday, June 23.

"Improvement of the quality of cadres is carried out through candidate selection based on psychological tests, regeneration in Party Schools, and assignment of Party cadres. On this basis, the process of screening, screening and determining the List of Candidates for Legislative Members at all levels will begin in August 2022," he added.

This recommendation was read out before the General Chairperson, Megawati Soekarnoputri, and the heads of the PDIP DPP. Including the Head of the Center for Analysis and Control of the PDIP Situation M. Prananda Prabowo and the Chair of the PDIP DPP for politics Puan Maharani, Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto, and General Treasurer Olly Dondokambey.

Third, the Party's Second National Working Meeting affirmed the commitment of all levels of the Party Leadership Council to be actively involved in following all the provisions of the general election stages in detail and seriously, starting from the registration and verification stages.

"And the determination of political parties as election participants to the collection, counting, recapitulation, and determination of the results of the 2024 Simultaneous Elections," explained Sugianto.

Fourth, the second National Working Meeting of the Party encourages the improvement of the quality of elections. In this regard, the electoral system and implementation must ensure the fulfillment of the constitutional rights of citizens to vote through increasing the integrity of election administrators.

"The Party's Second National Working Meeting also emphasized that the stages of the election were carried out efficiently, effectively, and accountably by prioritizing the safety of election organizers. Therefore, election organizers are required to make rules related to the integrity and commitment of election participants for the realization of safe and peaceful elections in order to maintain the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, Unity and National Unity," he said.

Furthermore, the Treasurer of the Bali PDIP DPD Dewa Made Mahayadnya read out the five strategic agendas of the party as a result of the second National Work Meeting. First, the PDI-P II National Working Meeting emphasized the importance of food as a pillar of the country's economic sovereignty.

"In this regard, the Party's Second National Working Meeting recommends the government to accelerate the realization of food sovereignty, starting with the development of superior seeds, improving production quality, a fair distribution system, preventing conversion of productive agricultural land, and downstreaming the food industry which increases the added value of the national economy in order to increase the value of the national economy. improve the welfare of farmers and fishermen," said Mahadyadnya.

Second, the Party's Second National Working Meeting supports the National Innovation Research Agency (BRIN) in developing superior seeds and nutritious food to improve the quality of public health, and self-reliance in the food sector. In this regard, the Three Pillars of the Party are obliged to accelerate the establishment of the Regional Innovation Research Agency.

Third, the second National Working Meeting of the Party examines the impact of global warming and ecological damage that has caused sea level rise, ecological disasters, food crises, which threaten the survival of the earth and all life on it.

"In this regard, the Three Pillars of the Party are obligated to carry out the Green Movement on an ongoing basis. The second National Working Meeting of the Party encourages the government's affirmative policy in preserving the environment through a moratorium on clearing primary natural forests; eradicating illegal logging and reforestation of critical lands for the sake of ecological sustainability," explained the Mahadyad.

Fourth, he continued, the Party's Second National Working Meeting encouraged the government to reduce dependence on imports in the health and pharmaceutical sectors.

In this regard, research and innovation activities, increasing the production capacity of domestic medicines and medical devices, improving the quality of health workers and developing health infrastructure must become a priority scale for the independence of the national health system.

While the fifth, said Mahadyadnya, the Party's Second National Work Meeting places the importance of national energy sovereignty.

"In this regard, the second National Working Meeting of the Party encourages the government to accelerate the energy transition from dependence on dirty fossil energy to the development and utilization of renewable energy, such as solar, water, wind and bioenergy energy," he said.

"To fulfill the global commitment to climate change mitigation, the government needs to consistently stop coal-fired power plants in accordance with the contract period and instead encourage the development of renewable energy sources throughout Indonesia in order to realize net zero emissions by 2060, as has become the government's commitment," he concluded. Mahadyadnya.