North Lombok Gili Air Pier Project Corruption, Commitment Making Official Sentenced To 3.5 Years In Prison

LOMBOK UTARA - The Mataram Tipikor District Court Judge sentenced Azwar Azizi to 3.5 years in prison in a corruption case involving the construction of the Gili Air jetty in 2017.

Azwar is the official commitment maker (PPK) for the dock construction project in the tourist area in North Lombok Regency.

"Declaring that the defendant has been legally and convincingly proven guilty of committing a criminal act of corruption (tipikor) as stipulated in the subsidiary indictment by punishing him with three years and six months in prison," said Chief Justice Isrin at the Mataram Tipikor District Court, Thursday, June 23.

In addition to the punishment, the judge also imposed a fine of Rp. 50 million on Azwar, a subsidiary of one month in prison.

In this case, two defendants, namely Slamet Waloejo as director of a supervisory consulting company from CV Karya Mahardika 97 and Luqmanul Hakim as team leader or Waloejo expert, were each sentenced to 16 months in prison.

In the decision that stated Slamet Waloejo was proven to have violated the subsidiary charges, Article 3 Juncto Article 18 of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20/2001 concerning Amendments to Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 31/1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code, the judge does not charge to pay for state losses.

Based on the Antara report, the judge stated that by looking at the facts of the trial that the person concerned did not receive, enjoy or take advantage of the emergence of state losses, but the state losses of Rp.

However, in the description of the decision, Azwar is stated to be involved in the emergence of state losses. Azwar was judged to have been negligent in his duties.

The judge proved this from the facts of the trial which described Azwar's actions as a PPK in the budget disbursement process.

Azwar signed the disbursement of the budget without looking at the results of the work which were revealed to be inconsistent with the progress of the work in the field.

The emergence of losses from the dock construction project in the Gili Air Tourism area at the North Lombok Regency Transportation, Maritime and Fishery Service, Fiscal Year 2017 has been proven from a construction expert study, which found a lack of work volume with a compensation value of Rp. 98.138 million and excess payment which includes three items worth Rp684,238 million.

Azwar's verdict is lower than the prosecutor's demands. Azwar was previously sentenced to four years in prison and a fine of Rp. 50 million, a subsidiary of four months in prison.

With this decision, the judge gave both Azwar and the public prosecutor the opportunity to express their position within seven days after the verdict was read.