BPH Migas Prepares Decree On Control Of Subsidized Fuel

JAKARTA - The Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) is preparing various steps to control and supervise the distribution of certain types of fuel oil (JBT), oil and diesel.

Head of BPH Migas, Erika Retnowati, said that the current control measure is to propose a revision of Presidential Decree No. 191/2014 to the President.

In addition, Erika said, her party is preparing a Decree (SK) to control the volume of subsidized fuel so that it is more targeted.

"We have submitted a proposal for a revision of the Presidential Regulation and it has been submitted by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources to the President, so we are currently waiting. We have also prepared a decree on volume control for subsidized fuel which we will issue later as an implementing rule for the revised Presidential Regulation," said Erika. in a Hearing Meeting with Commission VII DPR RI, Thursday 23 June.

Erika added, in addition to taking control measures, BPH Migas is also active in carrying out routine field monitoring efforts by the BPH Migas Team, utilizing IT such as nozzle digitization.

"Then we have a system called SILVIA or Reporting Information System, Supervision of Fuel Distribution," continued Erika.

In order for the supervisory function to run smoothly, Erika emphasized that her party is currently cooperating with the Law Enforcement Apparatus (APH) and has entered into cooperation agreements with the TNI, Polri, BIN and Ditintelkam Polri.

"Then we carried out integrated supervision with the Inspector General of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and the Director General of Oil and Gas in the task force team for the supply and distribution of fuel and also collaborated with the regional government," said Erika.

From the results of the supervision, Erika said, BPH Migas found several irregularities, one of which was that there were official vehicles belonging to officials that used subsidized fuel.

These findings were obtained based on the results of sampling from checking at 5,518 gas stations. He also mentioned that there was filling in a car whose tank was modified.

"There is filling in a car with a modified tank, we often meet it. Then, for example, filling in official cars or red plates, that's not allowed," said Erika.

To overcome this problem, BPH Migas has recommended operational sanctions to PT Pertamina (Persero) which are intended for gas stations.

"The operational sanctions set are first to gas stations depending on the level of error. It could be in the form of warnings, reducing quotas to closing," he concluded.