Vocational High School Students In Bali Who Stole Offerings To Pay Tuition Fees Will Be Released

GIANYAR - Tegalalang Police Chief AKP I Ketut Sudita will seek a resolution without legal proceedings in the case of theft of sesari or offerings with the perpetrators of a vocational school student in Gianyar, Bali. The police are pursuing a settlement with restorative justice.

"This Monday, we will carry out diversion to solve the problem and involve all. Both from the prajuru (customary officers) as victims first, from child protectors and related agencies, we invite all of them so that the problem can be resolved," said AKP Sudita, THURSDAY , June 23.

It is certain that this case will be resolved with restorative justice. Because the perpetrators are known to steal sesari money to pay for the Education Development Contribution (SPP)

"According to his statement, to pay tuition fees. After getting the money, he immediately deposited it to the school cooperative to pay tuition fees. Pay Rp. 170 thousand so that he can participate in school training. (Otherwise) you don't pay for training," continued AKP Sudita.

It was previously reported that the theft of sesari money occurred on the afternoon of Monday, June 20, which was immediately reported to the police.

From checking CCTV footage, it appears that students in school uniforms enter the temple area. The next day the perpetrator was arrested.

During interrogation, the student admitted to taking the sesari money by breaking the glass of the sesari box.

"The amount of money taken was Rp. 170 thousand," said AKP Sudita.

After stealing the sesari money, the student immediately paid the tuition arrears at school

"This child, only four years old (left behind in marriage with his parents) has remarried. His parents left his house so he was at home with his grandfather," he said.