Former Leader Of Forbidden Organizations Calls Khilafah Haram And Must Be Fight Because Of This

JAKARTA - The former leader of Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) Bangka Belitung Ayik Heriansyah emphasized that the teachings and narrative of the caliphate as a system that must be implemented in Indonesia are wrong and unlawful teachings, so they must be fought because they include rebellion (bughat). it's illegal, why is it haram? Because establishing a caliphate on top of a caliphate is not allowed, it's haram, it's a bug and the law is to fight it," said Ayik Heriansyah in a statement released by BNPT in Jakarta, Thursday, June 23. or the current Indonesian government system includes the caliphate, because it has appointed and elected its leader, namely the President as the Head of State. Ayik stated that groups that consistently want a caliphate as they understand and believe must accept the fact that they are a group that must be fought." Is the current system of government included? the caliphate? The answer is yes, because there is already a leader, namely the President. If they are consistent and insist on wanting a caliphate as they want, they must accept that they are being fought, establishing a caliphate above the caliphate is haram," he explained. the group that bears it has experienced a misleading meaning deviation into a special system of government to delegitimize the current legitimate government. So that people reject the existing government, then fight for their group leaders to become rulers, this is politics," said Ayik.

The movement to spread the ideology of the caliphate, he said, cannot be separated from the political element, how the group also wants to come to power by carrying its leader or the Amir or the Caliph through propaganda, public lies and blurring of meaning and even history. a government system is just propaganda. It is a deviation from the meaning of the caliphate, not carrying out Islamic teachings but only as propaganda for power, "explained the man who had studied at the University of Indonesia's School of Strategic and Global Studies (SKSG UI). Ayik, who is also the administrator of the NU Da'wah Institute (LDNU) of West Java Province, said that contrary to the propaganda agenda of the caliphate carrier group, in fact Islamic teachings are taught about the values of living as a nation and state and protecting the country which is part of the mandate of Allah SWT that must be protected. "Allah SWT created us as tribes sizes and nations, it is sunatullah (God's decree). We are ordered to help out in terms of piety and kindness with anyone, who is of a different ethnicity, religion, in general, not only to fellow Muslims," he said. Including protecting the nation is a mandate from Allah, it must be guarded, cared for and maintained. Not only that, on the same occasion Ayik also encouraged collaboration and participation between the community and the government to jointly unravel the problems of radicalism and terrorism which are increasingly massive. , scholars and must increase their knowledge through literacy. Figures, society and government must collaborate in my opinion. What can be done according to their respective abilities and capacities, "said Ayik.