Learning Using Digital Media, Easy And Fun

JAKARTA. - In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, learning is carried out remotely, so the use of digital media is a must. For this reason, teachers and education staff must be able to optimize Information and Communication Technology (ICT) equipment as learning media.

Unfortunately, many teachers are not used to it and find it difficult to use digital learning media. Even though many schools have received ICT equipment assistance from the government.

In order to overcome these problems, teachers should not stop learning either individually or in groups.

Especially now that a lot of technical guidance on the use of ICT tools and equipment has been carried out by instructors, the majority of whom already hold Google Master degrees.

The National Seminar held by PWI Jaya and Mercu Buana University entitled Utilization of Digital Media for Interactive Teaching and Learning Activities which was held virtually in Jakarta, Wednesday, June 22.

Appear as resource person Dr. Algooth Putranto, MIKom, Education Section of PWI Jaya, Media Practitioner, Lecturer of Communication at Sahid University Jakarta, Romi Syahril, S.Sos, MM., MIkom, Head of SJI (School of Indonesian Journalism) PWI Jaya, Lecturer at BSI University and Riki Arswendi, lecturer as well as Head of the Public Relations Bureau of Mercu Buana University. The seminar was moderated by Dudi Iman Hartono, a lecturer at the Faculty of Communication at Mercu Buana University.

According to Algooth Putranto, currently there are many computer instructors from regions who already hold the title of Google Master Trainer. In fact, they have practiced learning using digital media to their students.

“I hope this will be an inspiration for all teachers in Indonesia, that they can also master and utilize digital media for learning. As long as there is a will to really study,” said Algooth.

Algooth said, at the beginning of the pandemic, it was acknowledged that many teachers experienced difficulties and confusion in teaching. Even though face-to-face schools have been abolished. While the pattern of distance learning is not yet clear.

There are so many online applications that are introduced to teachers for learning media. There are so many, even teachers are confused themselves. “However, many online trainings were organized by various parties. Until a lot of time is used during this pandemic to study," he explained.

Meanwhile, Romi Syahril added, following the number of digital learnings plus support in the form of learning access on Google Work Space for Education, efforts to empower teacher competence in an effort to master digital are increasing.

With this Google Work Space for Education, in addition to helping teachers in the teaching and learning process in the midst of a pandemic, it also provides interesting new experiences for students.

"Children can collaborate with each other, do assignments together, discuss online. Even though they are in their respective homes. So learning from home is no longer boring," explained Romi, who is also one of the editors at one of the media.

Meanwhile, Riki Arswendi admits that providing digital learning training for teachers and parents is not an easy task. Some are easy to understand, some are difficult to understand, especially those who are old and not familiar with digital technology.

“But basically teachers want to teach in an effective and fun way. I show teachers how fun it is to learn with digital learning media. Besides being fun, students are also easy to understand what we want to convey," he said.

Despite the many challenges in digital learning training, he reminded not to feel tired. Given how important it is to utilize ICT in today's era.

“I always remind them that they will lose a lot if they don't take advantage of this information technology. Moreover, now there are many facilities here and there. Learning to use digital media is very efficient, especially in the midst of a pandemic. If all teachers are able to use digital learning media, the quality of our education can improve," he said.