Prosecutor's Office Detains Former Head Of Bank Jatim Jember Branch Corruption Suspect Bad Credit Rp4.7 Billion

SURABAYA - The former head of Bank Jatim Jember Branch was named a suspect in the alleged bad credit case amounting to Rp.4.7 billion. He is suspected of collaborating with CV Mutiara Indah Jember when applying for a working capital loan through Bank Jatim Jember Branch.

The head of the East Java High Prosecutor's Office, Mia Amiati, said there were three suspects in the case. Namely, each with the initials MIN, 58, as Head of Bank Jatim Jember Branch for the 2015-2019 period. Then suspects MY, 53, as Director of CV Mutiara Indah and NS, 59, as Commander of CV Mutiara Indah Jember.

"The three suspects are being detained for the next 20 days at the Class I Branch of the Surabaya Detention Center at the East Java Prosecutor's Office," said Mia, at the East Java Prosecutor's Office, Wednesday, June 22.

Mia explained that the case began on April 21, 2015 when NS ordered MY to apply for a credit or working capital loan using the Presidential Decree to the state-owned bank Jember Branch for Rp. 6 billion using CV Mutiara Indah. In order to expedite the loan application process, NS and MY made cessie documents for job payments, and project work contracts that did not exist.

The project, continued Mia, is in the form of revitalization and a tourist destination ready to visit the Sunyaragi cave water park with a wholesale price of Rp. 9,309,000,000. after receiving the completeness of the credit application file, MIS then disposes of the OH as the provider so that the credit is processed according to the provisions.

The OH then followed up by ordering the WP and ASR as analysts, to coordinate with the head office because the ceiling value was the authority of the head office.

"On August 7, 2015 the Head Office Bank sent a letter regarding the approval of the application for the additional working capital credit limit to the Presidential Decree on behalf of CV Mutiara Indah, which was originally Rp. 2.2 billion to become a total of Rp. 4.7 billion," he said.

Until the end of the loan term, said Mia, CV Mutiara Indah had never paid in installments or paid off the loan repayments amounting to Rp4.7 billion and the interest on the loan. At that time it was also declared to be stuck until the investigation process by the Prosecutor's Office, CV Mutiara Indah never paid in installments or paid off loans to banks.

From the investigation process, that the granting of working capital credit under the Presidential Decree is a violation of the law. This is because the granting of credit is not in accordance with the procedure and violates the provisions. "As a result of providing credit that is not in accordance with procedures, it has harmed the state finances of approximately Rp. 4.7 billion," he said.

Mia said that in the investigation of this case, it is possible that there will be new suspects in the future. Because, Mia admitted that in the process of course there were those who were ordered and carried out the orders, and there were those who participated in committing the crime of corruption.

"The suspects are charged with Article 2 paragraph (1), Article 3 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption, as amended by Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2001 in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code," he said. .