KPIs Allow Watch Netflix

JAKARTA - Since officially launching its service in Indonesia, Netflix's presence has continued to create controversy. One of them is because of the large number of negative content on the video on demand service providers.

The negative content presented by Netflix is considered inappropriate for the character and culture of the nation, especially regarding pornography, racial and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT).

Apart from containing a lot of negative content, Netflix's legal entity status is unclear. Referring to the government regulation (PP) regarding trade through the new electronic system number 80 of 2019, players like Netflix must have a permanent business entity (BUT) in Indonesia.

Chairman of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI), Agung Suprio said, there is indeed a monitoring process for Netflix that is being carried out by his party. So the prevailing regulations are more or less similar to the supervision of subscription television (TV).

Chairman of KPI, Agung Suprio. (Mery Handayani / VOI)

"We see that the mechanism of this streaming service is a bit similar to pay TV. So a matter of norms, actually a kiss is allowed as long as you don't broadcast it naked, then it violates the rules related to pornography," said Agung, in the program 'Netflix Polemic: Between Business, Regulation, and Social Norms. ', in Cikini, Central Jakarta, Thursday, 16 January.

Indonesia itself has a legal umbrella against content that violates decency, including pornography. Starting from article 27 paragraph 1 of Law No.1 of 2008 concerning ITE to Law No.44 of 2008 concerning pornography. In addition, it is also stated in Article 21 of Law No.36 of 1999 concerning telecommunications.

However, Agung regretted that in many countries the regulatory role of streaming services such as Netflix was in telecommunications regulators, but had to collaborate with broadcasters. Meanwhile, according to him, in Indonesia it is different.

"So in Indonesia, it actually moves independently, the KPI itself, the telecommunications itself. Here it creates a gap," he said.

Agung explained that currently KPI is collaborating with many parties to revise the Broadcasting Code of Conduct and Broadcast Program Standards (P3PSP) and current social norms.

Currently, there is a disclaimer system to help regulate parents in providing Netflix shows to children. However, Agung wants to redefine the parenting guide because he believes there will be many more streaming services coming in the future

"Even though there is a disclaimer system, we still have to make regulations because maybe in the future there will be a lot of TV streaming mushrooming," he said.