PT Bogor Raya Development 'Resisted' After 2 Hotels And Golf Course Were Confiscated By The BLBI Task Force

BOGOR - PT Bogor Raya Development through its attorney Leonard Arpan Aritonang is ready to file a lawsuit after a number of its assets were confiscated by the Task Force for Handling State Claims for the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance Fund (BLBI).

"We will file a lawsuit immediately because there is indeed an administrative procedure," said Leonard at Bogor Raya Golf, Sukaraja District, Bogor Regency, West Java, Antara, Wednesday, June 22.

According to him, PT Bogor Raya Development is not a BLBI obligor so the BLBI Task Force has the wrong address because the seized assets have legally changed hands to other owners.

"We question the validity of the confiscation by the BLBI Task Force on PT Bogor Raya Development's assets. Remember, PT Bogor Raya Development is not a BLBI obligor and Bogor Raya Development's assets are not a guarantee in fulfilling obligations to the government," he said.

Leonard considered that due to the confiscation of assets belonging to PT Bogor Raya Development, the operational activities of Bogor Raya Golf, Novotel Hotel, and Ibis Style Hotel experienced operational disruptions.

Previously, Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menkopolhuikam) Mahfud MD led the seizure of BLBI obligor assets in the form of land assets along with two hotels and a golf course at Bogor Raya Golf today.

"Today we confiscated again, Bogor Raya assets related to obligors Bank Asia Pacific on behalf of Setiawan Haryono-Hendawan Haryono and other affiliated parties in the form of land and buildings," said Mahfud.

The assets confiscated by the Task Force for Handling State Collection Rights for BLBI Funds consisted of 89 hectares of land along with a golf course and two hotel buildings named Novotel and Ibis Style. He estimates that if the assets are converted into rupiah, the value will reach Rp. 2 trillion.

Mahfud said that economic activity at Bogor Raya Golf would continue even though its assets had been confiscated by the state. However, the management is no longer carried out by PT Bogor Raya Development but by the government through a task force.

"PT Bogor Raya Development has a lot of community economic activities. They can continue to operate but under state management, no longer PT Bogor Raya Development," said Mahfud.

He realized that there would be protests and lawsuits after the confiscation of a number of assets. However, according to him, the Task Force for Handling State Collection Rights on BLBI Funds is ready to argue in legal terms.

"Anyway, we have been in debt for 24 years and are always in debt. Now we don't want to argue, confiscate, if we are not satisfied there is a legal route. This drags on because we serve debates, then we start to lose a lot of assets. right," said Mahfud.