Jambi Police Arrested 14 Drillers, Every Day Produce 3 Drums Of Illegal Oil

JAMBI - Police arrested 14 illegal oil drillers from two different locations in Batang Hari and Muaro Jambi regencies.

Deputy Director of the Crime Investigation Unit of the Jambi Regional Police AKBP Santoso said that the 10 perpetrators arrested were residents of Bungku Village, Batang Hari Regency, and four perpetrators from Bahar, Muaro Jambi Regency.

The arrests were made on June 11, after members of Sub-Directorate IV of the Special Criminal Investigation Directorate (Ditreskrimsus) of the Jambi Police received information on the exploitation of petroleum in Bungku Village.

The police then checked the information and found that several of the perpetrators were drilling for oil without a permit, while several other perpetrators were resting.

From Bungku Village, the police arrested 10 perpetrators, namely Dedi, Ahmad Johanes, Soemantri Ginting, Azman, Jaslani, Amin Ridlo, Sopian Hadi, Anjasmara Sitompul, Daniel Hasiholan Sitompul, and Juanfelik Siagian.

The police also secured several pieces of evidence in the form of nine modified motorbikes without a license plate, nine rope rollers, seven iron cantings, and seven paralon cans.

"All evidence is currently being calculated and based on information from the perpetrators, their oil drilling can produce two to three drums per day. The results are sold to collectors," said AKBP Santoso in Jambi, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, June 22.

Meanwhile, from the second location in Bahar Unit VII, Muaro Jambi Regency, the police managed to secure four illegal drillers. The four perpetrators are Fitrah Romahdoni, Rahmat, Mat Rohan, and Piya Budi Mulyanto.

From the location of the arrest, the police secured evidence in the form of three modified motorbikes without a registration number, iron canting pipes, three rope rollers, three blowers, three jerry cans with a capacity of 5 liters filled with black liquid resembling petroleum.

The perpetrators will be charged with Article 40 number 7 of Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation, amendments to the origin of Law Number 22 of 2001 concerning Oil and Gas jo. Article 55 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code with a maximum criminal sanction of 6 years.