Entering Indonesia Illegally, Atambua Immigration Deports Timorese Citizens

NTT - The Immigration Office Class II Immigration Checkpoint (TPI) Atambua, Belu Regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) deported an East Timorese citizen who entered Indonesian territory illegally.

"East Timorese on behalf of Sarawati B Samiun (46) were deported for entering Indonesian territory illegally into Belu Regency," said Head of the Class II Immigration Office of TPI Atambua KA Halim when confirmed, Wednesday, June 22.

He explained that the foreign national, who is a housewife, entered Indonesian territory illegally by sea to Atapupu, Belu.

After being secured, based on Antara's report, the Immigration officer at the Mota'ain Cross-border Post (PLBN) conducted an inspection and it was found that he did not have a travel document or passport.

"The resident was deported through the Mota'ain PLBN on Wednesday (22 June), after the officers applied the departure stamp to the travel documents of the East Timorese foreigners," he said.

The repatriation of the residents was carried out after his party coordinated with the Immigration Office of Batugede, Timor Leste, who received the residents back.

Halim said during the examination, the Atambua Immigration officer had given a firm warning to the resident not to repeat the unlawful act by illegally crossing the country's border area.

"We strongly warn against repeating his actions, and if you cross state borders, you must make travel documents or passports and must go through the Immigration Checkpoints," he said.