Visits The Royal Cambodian Kopassus Headquarters, Prabowo Is Hugged By His Ex-Protee

JAKARTA - Minister of Defense (Menhan) Prabowo Subianto visited the Royal Cambodian Special Forces Command Headquarters (Kopassus) today, Tuesday 21 June.

Prabowo's visit was directly welcomed by the Deputy Commander of the Army and the Commander of the Cambodian Special Forces, Lieutenant General (Letjen) Chab Peakdey. Chab is one of Prabowo's students when he joined the Kopassus TNI AD education. Screams of "commando" and chants of Kopassus echoed when Prabowo arrived.

"I am proud to be accepted today at the Special Forces Command of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces," Prabowo said at the Cambodian Special Forces Command Headquarters, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Tuesday, June 21.

Prabowo's reunion with Chab emphasized that Indonesia has always considered the Cambodian nation as a close relative with long historical ties. Bilateral cooperation between the two countries, he added, has always been well developed from time to time.

"I am sure that the Special Forces Command will continue to be a reliable and superior force that will defend the Cambodian nation and people. Command!" said Prabowo.

Apart from Chab, there are also a number of former Prabowo proteges who occupy various strategic positions in the Cambodian military, including Lt. Gen. Yib Koy who now serves as Commander of the Education Center for the Security Forces (Danpusdik Paspam) of the Prime Minister (PM) of Cambodia.

Furthermore, Major General (Mayjen) Sin Ra who served as Commander of Detachment 241 Paspam PM Cambodia, and Lt. Gen. Pol. Chin Sary who served as Director General (Dirjen) of the Cambodia National Police Auditor.

Next, Major General Yin Chumnith who now serves as Deputy Chief of Staff of the Cambodian PM Paspam, Major General Ty Samouna who serves as Assistant to Intelligence (Asintel) of PM Paspam, and Major General Pol Nau Chamroeun who serves as Deputy of the National Police Cabinet.

On the same occasion, one of Prabowo's former protégés who were present said Prabowo had trained hard for the Cambodian Kopassus soldiers so that many of them can now become high-ranking officers.