Sri Mulyani Releases Two Regulations To Accelerate Exports Of CPO And Its Derivative Products, Discusses Exemption Of Export Duties To Lower BPDPKS Tariffs

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) is said to have just issued two Minister of Finance Regulations (PMK) to support the acceleration of export distribution (flush out) for crude palm oil (CPO) commodities and their derivatives.

The first regulation is PMK 102/PMK.010/22 concerning Stipulation of Exported Goods Subject to Export Duties and Export Duty Tariffs for the Program for the Acceleration of Distribution of CPO, RBD PO, RBD Palm Olein, and UCO through Exports.

Meanwhile, the second one is PMK 103/PMK.05/2022 regarding Service Fees for Public Service Agency Fund Management for Palm Oil Plantations (BPDPKS) at the Ministry of Finance.

Director of Communication and Service User Guidance at the Directorate General of Customs and Excise, Ministry of Finance, Nirwala Dwi Heryanto, said the pair of PMKs were set and promulgated on June 13, 2022 and effective from June 14, 2022.

"The new tariffs are valid until July 31, 2022 and export goods in the context of the export distribution acceleration program that have been subject to export duties based on flush out export duties, are not subject to export duties based on Minister of Finance Regulation No. 98/2022," he said in a press statement on Thursday. Tuesday, June 21.

According to Nirwala, several things stipulated in PMK 103/2022 were an agreement to reduce the tariff for the BPDPKS public service agency, which was originally a maximum of 375 US dollars per MT to 200 US dollars per MT.

"Through this policy, it is hoped that the availability of BPDPKS funds and the price of fresh fruit bunches for farmers will be maintained," he said.

He also ensured that the follow-up to the two PMKs would be accompanied by strategic steps so that the implementation of the two policies could run well and smoothly.

"In the internal scope, Customs and Excise has disseminated the rules to all service offices and has sought intensive and in-depth research and supervision on company exports to ensure compliance with the obligations of prohibition of restrictions and fulfillment of export duty payments in accordance with applicable regulations," he stressed.

Meanwhile, for the determination of general export duty rates or flush out tariffs, Customs officers distinguish export customs notification documents based on the number or code of the attached PE document.

"Meanwhile, to reduce disputes in the field, we will continue and optimize the helpdesk team at the operational level and the task force team at the central level," he said.

In addition, on the external scope, Customs and Excise continues to coordinate with the National Single Window Institution (LNSW) and the Data and Information System Center (PDSI) of the Ministry of Trade to make adjustments to the export duty payment system according to the applicable tariffs.

"We fully support the implementation of this government policy, which is a manifestation of efforts to protect the community and economic recovery, which is also the main work plan of Customs in 2022. We also invite stakeholders and the public to continue to improve compliance with export regulations which will have a good impact on national economic recovery and people's welfare," Nirwala concluded.