Influencers: Definition, Types, And Their Influence On Business

JAKARTA - If we go back 10 or 15 years ago, the term influencer may not sound as much as it does now. However, along with the development of digital platforms and a very supportive content creator ecosystem, nowadays almost anyone can become an influencer and earn income from activities promoting products or services from a brand.

How to become an influencer itself is relatively easy, for example if you are a blogger who likes to travel, then you can start from creating a professional blog with a custom domain such as an .ID domain, then be consistent in creating unique and much needed content. If you already have a website, you can choose hosting at DomaiNesia because it is fast and cheap.

Curious about the duties and benefits of influencers for an all-digital business like today? Let's see the full explanation below.

What are Influencers?

Judging from the narratives of several experts, an influencer is a figure or figure who is known by many people and can influence the behavior of his followers. In short, an influencer is a person who has power to many people in making decisions because he is known to have a position, knowledge, experience, and a convincing track record.

Currently, the majority of influencers come from well-known public figures or artists, even though they do not have the experience or expertise in accordance with endorsement products, but their popularity is known to be powerful enough to attract potential customers.

In addition, influencers can also come from bloggers, YouTubers, or celebrities who have a large number of followers on social media. As influencers, of course, the related person must have their own selling points and attractiveness that distinguishes them from others.

Types of Influencers Based on Number of Followers

As the number of influencers grows and adapts to market needs. Today's influencers can be distinguished based on the number of followers they have, here's a full review.

1. Nano Influencers

The first type of influencer is Nano Influencer, as the name implies, nano influencer is included in the category of the smallest number of followers with a follower range of under 10,000 followers, be it on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok or other media platforms.

Companies usually need nano influencers to target certain very specific circles in a market. In addition, nano influencers are also commonly used to create campaigns with a limited budget because the rate offered is cheaper than other types of influencers.

2. Micro Influencers

Micro Influencer is a term for influencers who have managed to get a number of followers between 10,000 to 100,000 followers. At this level, usually an influencer is already known by a certain persona and specifically has followers who have the same interests.

For example, a YouTuber who specifically reviews gadgets and technology, traveler bloggers, automotive YouTubers, and many others. Generally, they can get tens of thousands of followers from consistency in creating content, so whatever he promotes will be immediately responded to by his followers.

3. Macro Influencers

Finally, there is a Macro Influencer or an influencer who has more than 100,000 followers. Influencers at this level are usually already in the ranks of public figures, whether in the form of artists, soap opera players, film players, politicians, or athletes who have many achievements.

Besides being able to help promote a product or brand to many people. Macro influencers are usually also used to build brand awareness because of the enormous power of reach on social media.

With the various advantages above, it is not surprising that the rate card or tariff of a Macro Influencer can be very expensive, up to many times the rate of a regular influencer.

The Influence of Influencers on Business in the Digital Age 1. Increase Sales Figures

The main purpose of using influencers is very clear, namely to help boost sales of the products or services offered. This has indeed proven true, because with the power of a very wide reach on social media, more potential consumers will know about the product.

The figure of the chosen influencer is also influential in terms of sales, because most of their followers already really believe in the products used. So, if the influencer recommends a certain product or service then his followers will also do the same.

2. Make Products More Reliable

One of the reasons why consumers buy certain products is because they already believe in the quality and function of the product. Well, the influencer in this case takes an important role because he helps demonstrate the function of the product and is able to provide positive testimonials that can influence the target market.

As a result, potential consumers feel safe and do not hesitate to buy the product in the future, even though it is the first time they try it.

3.Build Close Relationship with Target Market

Building closeness with potential customers is no less important than making quality products. One way to do this is to collaborate with public figures or influencers who are known to be close to potential consumers.

However, you need to remember that using well-known influencers can not always give maximum results. Sometimes nano influencers or testimonials from close people actually have better performance.

That's roughly the explanation regarding what an influencer is, the types and their effects for business. Come on, start using influencers to build a business in the digital era!