This Observer Suggests Vehicles That Are Eligible To Fill Pertalite Issued 2012 And Below

JAKARTA - The government is currently working on a plan to ban large engine cubication (cc) cars from filling fuel oil (BBM) with an octane rating of 90 types of Pertalite.

The Executive Director of Energy Watch, Mamit Setiawan, suggested that the vehicles that are entitled to receive subsidized fuel are those from 2012 and below.

"The old deer can still be tolerated, but the ones (out) in 2012 and above, I feel sorry for the slower engine performance, the closer mileage, the more expensive maintenance. That's why the car that year should have used Pertamax," he told reporters, Monday. June 20.

According to Mamit, if only based on large cc, the latest vehicles currently carry a 1,200 engine.

"I'm a little worried, because currently new cars have an average of 1,200 CC's and there are a lot of them. If it's limited to cc, almost all new cars have more advanced technology, while older cars on average have a larger CC, " he said.

He asked Pertamina and BPH Migas to be more careful in determining the criteria for vehicles that are allowed to fill with Pertalite gasoline.

"I think it is necessary to be careful because every year there is an increase in the number of motorized vehicles in Indonesia, so the number is very large," added Mamit.

Previously, Mamit said that if the purchase of Pertalite was not limited, the government would continue to be in trouble in the future.

The reason is, regardless of the quota allocated in the APBN for gasoline fuel subsidies, it will definitely be oversized.

"This is because there is no clear prohibition from the government regarding punishments if they are not on target," he said.