Secretary General Says PDIP Opens Communication With Other Parties Regarding The 2024 Presidential Election

JAKARTA - PDI-P Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto said his party continues to build communication to explore possible coalitions with political parties. That way, in the future, a common platform for working together can be achieved.

"We continue to build communication with party leaders so that there is a commonality of platforms," said Hasto at the PDIP DPP Party School, Lenteng Agung, Jakarta, Monday, June 20.

From this cooperation, continued Hasto, it will lead to the determination of presidential and vice presidential candidates. However, Hasto said the assessment was waiting for the right moment.

"Cooperation in the context of the presidential election will ultimately lead to the determination of candidates, and that's when we will see the right momentum," he said.

Hasto also ensured that his party would build a coalition with other political parties even though they could nominate a presidential candidate and a vice presidential candidate (cawapres).

"Cooperation is a necessity for PDIP which carries the spirit of gotong royong," said Hasto.

"Now we have worked together, only the priority scale at this time is to help the people, go down, so that when the 2024 election the people are truly in an atmosphere of the success of the Jokowi government," he concluded.