KPK Receives 27 Reports Of Alleged Corruption In NTT, Still Verified

KUPANG - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) from January-June 2022 received as many as 27 public reports related to alleged criminal acts of corruption in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT).

"We have received 27 corruption allegations, which are still in the verification stage", KPK Deputy for Public Participation Education Wawan Wardina told reporters after the Opening of Anti-Corruption Technical Guidance for Cross Elements in Kupang, reported by Antara, Monday, June 20.

He explained that the report was conjectural and still under investigation by the KPK. Later the KPK will move to follow up on reports based on strong evidence.

"If there is no evidence, then stop. Because some reported that they couldn't be contacted again, they didn't pick up calls, they didn't reply to their emails, it's difficult", he said.

Wawan said that the KPK considered that the object of alleged corruption under the authority of the KPK was state officials or law enforcement officers.

"But if it is the head of the service who is suspected of corruption, then it is echelon II, not at the KPK but if there is initial evidence then it is connected to the police or the Prosecutor's Office", he said.

Wawan emphasized that all reports submitted to the KPK will be followed up according to standard operating procedures (SOPs). When the report is received, it will be verified who the reporter is and so on.

Reports of criminal acts of corruption that can be followed up are complaints accompanied by evidence.

In addition, he said, the reporter needs to maintain the confidentiality of the report or not publish it to the public. This is important to make it easier for the KPK to follow up in the form of collecting evidence in the field.

"If the report is finished, it will be submitted to the mass media, it will be useless because then the person being reported can hide or eliminate the evidence", he said.